Add/Edit Product

Add the book in the Rucksack, if it’s not already there:

  • Navigate to Books tab

  • Click New Book

  • Enter Details:

Item Store Product Page Bookshelf Notes
Display Subtitle Usually the author or publishing institution.
Courses Select from the dropodown if the book is for a particular course.
Builder Project Put the Builder project number here. Can be found in the Project's Builder URL.
Spree Project Put the Spree project number here. Can be found on the book's product page in Spree.
Polybius N/A
Is Academic Determines whether the book is academic.
Is Listed Determines if the book is listed in the storefront (it can still have a product page with direct link).
Is Archived Determines if the book has a product page. If archived, it is not possible to buy via store or direct link. Any user with the book on their bookshelf will see it and retain access.
Is Public Book can skip paywall and userwall if marked yes. A direct link to the book in the reader will not require purchasing or logging in. Use this for open access, sample books/chapters, etc.
Image The cover image for the product that the user sees.

Add the Book in Spree, if it’s not already there:

  • Navigate to Products.

  • Click New Product.

  • Only the following details are necessary/relevant:

Item Required Notes
Name The name in Spree. Internal only to Spree, but should be something easy to find.
Master Price The sale price of the book.
Available On When the book will be available. Book will not appear in store before this date.
Shipping Categories Choose “digital”.

Click “Create”. These further details are the only ones necessary/relevant:

Item Required Notes
Slug The part of the url unique to the product. Auto-generated, but you can change it to something more user-friendly for links.
Reviewable Click this if you want to be able to provide review access for the book. Almost always the case.
Promotable Click this if you want to be able to create promotions for this book.
Option types Select “rental” in this dropdown if you want to allow this product to be rented.

Click Update

  • If you want to made the product rentable, click “variants” on the right, and then “add one”.

  • These further details are the only ones necessary/relevant:

Item Required Notes
Rental Select “true” in the dropdown if you want a rental option.
Price The rental price of the book. This is separate and likely less than the full purchase price.

Please note that the standard rental period is 5 months.