Add / Edit University
Navigate to the Universities tab
To Create a University
If the university is not in the system yet, click “New University”
Enter the details below:
Item | Notes |
Name | The name of the University/Institution |
Display Name | If the university goes by multiple names, but the official name here, and the shorthand/acronym in the Name field above. |
Example | For instance, the United States Air Force Academy would have that listed as the Display Name, and USAFA listed as the name. |
To create a Course:
Navigate to Courses in the University dropdown.
Click New Course
Enter the details below:
Item | Notes |
University | Select the school from the dropdown. |
Price | The rental price of the book. This is separate and likely less than the full purchase price. |
Name | Course name. |
Display Name | Enter if it is different than the course name. |
Course Director | The name of the Course Director or Instructor. This will appear on the Product Page if associated with a book. |
Book | Select the book from the dropdown. |