Add / Edit University

Navigate to the Universities tab

To Create a University

  • If the university is not in the system yet, click “New University”

  • Enter the details below:

Item Notes
Name The name of the University/Institution
Display Name If the university goes by multiple names, but the official name here, and the shorthand/acronym in the Name field above.
Example For instance, the United States Air Force Academy would have that listed as the Display Name, and USAFA listed as the name.

To create a Course:

  • Navigate to Courses in the University dropdown.

  • Click New Course

  • Enter the details below:

Item Notes
University Select the school from the dropdown.
Price The rental price of the book. This is separate and likely less than the full purchase price.
Name Course name.
Display Name Enter if it is different than the course name.
Course Director The name of the Course Director or Instructor. This will appear on the Product Page if associated with a book.
Book Select the book from the dropdown.