Large/Bulk Sales

Often, organizations will request a large or bulk purchase, including bookstores that will ask to prepurchase books to resell to students. To do this, simply (1) process the transaction directly in Braintree, and then, if the books require distribution (2) provide a way for users to access the books in Spree.

In Braintree:

  • Login to your account here.

  • Navigate to the Transactions tab.

  • Click the New Transaction button at the top.

  • The following information is relevant for the transaction:

Item Required Notes
Merchant Account yes Should already be selected.
Amount yes The amount being charged.
Customer Info no Recommended that transaction include First Name, Last Name, Company (if relevant), and Email, to find later on. Click Store in Vault if you anticipate charging this customer again.
Payment Information yes Cardholder Name, Number, Expiration Date, and CVV required for authorization purposes.
Billing Address recommended Billing address info recommended to prevent any fraud flagging from credit card companies.

In Spree:

  • Login to your account here.

  • Navigate to the Transactions tab.

  • Click the New Transaction button at the top.

  • The following information is relevant for the transaction: