Give Review Access
We provide Review Access to any instructor or other reviewer that will be provided the book for free.
System upgrades for this deal have turned off the easier review request interface, but it is still possible while it is being rebuilt.
For now, to provide review access, you’ll need to create a new user (if they are not in the system), and then add the book to their bookshelf.
To Create a New user:
Click the Users tab
Click New User
Enter the details below:
Item | Required | Notes |
Yes | The email of the user. A confirmation email will be automatically sent to the user, prompting them to confirm this address. Emails need to be unique in the system. | |
First Name | ||
Last Name | ||
Is Admin | No | If checked, this option allows this under to login to and access this backend interface. |
Is Canary | No | If checked, this shows the toggle option that allows the user to see all new beta features (Canary) before they’re released to all users (Production). |
User Type | Yes | Identifies the type of user. Students and Unknown are subject to two-factor authentication (2FA). Instructors and Reviewers do not encounter 2FA. |
Password | Yes | Required, but the user can change any time thereafter. |
Password Confirmation | Yes | Required |
University | No | Select the university from the dropdown. |
To add a Book to the users bookshelf:
View the selected user
Click “books” on the right.
Click New User Book.
Enter the details below:
Item | Required | Notes |
Book | Yes | Select the book from the dropdown. |
User | Yes | This is auto-populated. |
Expires at | Optional | Put in an expiration date if you would like book access to expire (such as with a rental). |