Text is the primary content type in the builder. The builder supports two types of text: main text and secondary text.

Main Text

primary content in the book you are building. Each page has its own main text, and all main text will reflow on the page to make sure no text is cut off. If there is more than one Main text box, the main text can be shared between boxes. Main text will also auto number the paragraphs with the chapter and paragraph number.

Secondary Text

all other text that is not part of the primary content: titles, subtitles, pull quotes, or anything else the book calls for. Note: Captions for photos, videos, and other media do not need to be secondary text. They can be added through the edit media modal, which you can learn more about here. Unlike main text, secondary text boxes will not resize automatically to accommodate text, and should be sized to make sureAl no text gets cut off. 

To add Main Text

First create a main textbox by selecting add main from the add content dropdown menu (+). Once you’ve placed your textbox on the page, you can add text by either double clicking on the box, or selecting edit main from the page setting dropdown menu on the top right. 

To add Secondary Text

Select add secondary from the add content dropdown menu on the top right, place your text box, and double click on the box.

Once you add text, you can format and style either text type by highlighting text, and using the popup styling menu. Main text has a dedicated text editing window, which you can access by clicking on the edit main text button on the object toolbar. More information about styling text can be seen in a separate video here.