The Builder allows for the easy addition of dynamic endnotes, by simply highlighting a piece of text and selecting the Add Endnotes button you will see an endnote appear to the right of this phrase.

If you were to add an endnote, and then add one before it, your initial endnotes number would change, but its content would remain the same.

There are a few ways to change the content of these endnotes, the simplest way is simply by clicking on one of the blue endnotes that you’ve added. This will bring you to a menu where you can change each endnote on your page easily, this menu will also keep Track of when endnotes have been changed and by whom.

This menu will only show you the endnotes on your current page.

For an exhaustive list of all of the endnotes in your project you’ll need to navigate to the sidebar. Once there, select the ‘terms’ tab. This opens a sidebar that either allows you to edit Glossary terms or Endnotes, click on endnotes to be be brought to a familiar menu, where you can add and update the information of each entry, this menu shows you every endnote, not just the ones visible on your current page.

Endnotes seen by Users.

On the User End, Endnote are also accessible through a few different means. A user can click on an endnote to see a particular entry, below this entry is a hyperlink that says see all. This will bring users to a list that shows every endnotes, starting from the current selection. This Menu is searchable, giving users the research tools they need to stay ahead.

A final way for a user to view endnotes is by clicking on the main menu in the upper left hand corner and navigating down to endnotes.