Glossary Terms

Glossary Terms allow users to see definitions and historical context for events, people and items referred to in your book. The builder has an established archive of terms and items and allows for the easy addition of new terms if your project calls for it.

After highlighting a segment of text, you can navigate to the ‘link’ option in the toolbar. This will offer a variety of options on how to link other media to your page, for right now we’ll focus on adding a Glossary link. It's important to note, the hyperlink you create may not specifically name the glossary term you are linking, use your discretion to decide when, how and where it is appropriate to link specific terms in your text.

Once selected a dropdown menu of terms will appear that you can select from, due to the number of terms using the search bar is recommended.

Perhaps the Glossary Term you’re looking for isn't available. In this case you can navigate to the side bar and click the ‘terms’ tab. This will bring up the sub headers of “endnotes” and “Glossary, click on Glossary if it’s not already selected.  At the bottom of this tab, you’ll now see a plus button and a fullscreen button. The “fullscreen” button optimizes the window to explore the glossary library, the plus buttons allows you to create a new Glossary Term.

Perhaps the Glossary Term you’re looking for isn't available. In this case you can navigate to the side bar and click the ‘terms’ tab. This will bring up the sub headers of “endnotes” and “Glossary, click on Glossary if it’s not already selected.  At the bottom of this tab, you’ll now see a plus button and a fullscreen button. The “fullscreen” button optimizes the window to explore the glossary library, the plus buttons allows you to create a new Glossary Term.

Once you have saved this new Entry you should be able to add it like you would any other.

Glossary Terms as seen by Users

Users can find Explore Glossary terms in a variety of different ways, most predominantly by clicking on the glossary link in the page, similarly to endnotes this will allow users to explore that instance and will give users the option to click on the “see all” link. By Clicking “See All Users will be navigated to a menu which shows every glossary term for the book, starting with the currently selected item. 

Alternatively Users can click on the mean men and select People and Terms as another way to find this comprehensive list.