While The Builder offers an expanse of ways you can create and curate content there are a few methodologies that improve the readability and accessibility for your viewers. In this video we’ll explore page Layout and keyboard shortcuts.

A Page in the The Builder can grow to any size to accommodate its text, however for retention and readability you should aim to keep your content between (2000 - 3000) pixels tall. The shorter the page, the more digestible the content will be. 

You can get an in depth look at the pixel grid of the page by pressing Tab + R, this layout is often useful for finalizing the assembly of your pages and checking to see that your layout is balanced. It’s important to realize that the content published from The Builder will be accessed from a variety of devices and computers, meaning that viewport size will often not remain consistent across viewers. You should accommodate for this by allowing a healthy margin size, and considering that your content might flow differently than it appears on your screen. 

To get a preview of exactly what the page will look like to your viewers you can navigate to the page settings dropdown menu and click preview. This preview will appear on a separate page, and allow you to encounter and engage with all of the content in the way that your users would.

You can scale this preview window to any size to see how the text and Media responds to the changes in scale It’s also important to note when bringing in Media and interactives that the default width for a The Builder Page is 960 pixels, if you’re sizing media to be brought into your page it should be no larger than this

The Builder's pages are designed to scroll, however if you would like pages to remain unscrollable you should consider the length of the devices that will be used, and the length that you are making each page.