As you work in the builder your changes are saved automatically. This - and other standard functions, are displayed in the status bar that pops up at the top of the screen.

If you want to manually confirm that your changes have been saved, you can navigate to the page settings dropdown menu and click ‘save’.

Page History

The Builder offers a comprehensive system to recover your work if you’d like to revert back to an earlier version of your page. You can access the Page History of each page by navigating to the page settings dropdown menu and clicking Page History.

The page history shows a list of every change made to the page, along with the date, time, and user that made the respective change. You can click on any item in the list to see what the page looked like at that point in time. Please note that while the Page History menu is open, autosave is disabled.

Once you’ve selected the page version you want to revert to, you can click ‘Restore’ in the bottom of this panel. This will prompt a warning message explaining that this will override your current version of the page. However if you change your mind, your previous version will also be saved in the archive.